banner.jpg (24009 bytes)
All created by L.Hassgaard© from pictures I found on the net.
If you find a ©-one please let me  know!

To use as brusches unZip the archivefile  and move the JPR  files to your Brushes folder
(usually C:\Program Files\Paint shop pro\Brushes).

butterfly1.jpg (12996 bytes)

butterfly2.jpg (11619 bytes)

butterfly3.jpg (13307 bytes)

butterfly4.jpg (12423 bytes)

butterfly5.jpg (11461 bytes)

butterfly6.jpg (11513 bytes)

butterfly7.jpg (11345 bytes)

butterfly8.jpg (11246 bytes)

butterfly9.jpg (11154 bytes)

joygraphic.gif (8230 bytes)
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